A Fully Bayesian Approach to Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging









\[\begin{align} B(x, y) &= \int_0^1 t^{x-1}(1-t)^{y-1}dt\\ &= \frac{\Gamma(x)\Gamma(y)}{\Gamma(x+y)}\\ \Gamma(z + 1) &= z\Gamma(z)\\ &= z!\\ \end{align}\\]


\[\begin{align} \sum_{k=1}^{K} \theta_k = 1\nonumber\\ \end{align}\\]


\[\begin{align} \int \theta_1^{\alpha_1-1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{\alpha_k-1}d\boldsymbol \theta = \frac{\Gamma(\alpha_1)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(\alpha_k)}{\Gamma(\alpha_1+\cdot\cdot\cdot+\alpha_k)}\\ \end{align}\\]








次にコインを10回投げた結果$\boldsymbol w$を得たとします。

表を$\rm H$、裏を$\rm T$で表すと、10回投げた時の結果はたとえば$\boldsymbol w={\rm HTTHTHHTHT}$のように表します。


ここではコインにバイアスがかかっている事後確率$P(t=1 \mid \boldsymbol w, \theta)$を求めます。

表が出た回数を$n_H$とすると最尤推定では$\theta=\frac{n_H}{10}$としますが、ベイズ的なアプローチでは$\theta$を積分消去した確率$P(t=1 \mid \boldsymbol w)$を考えることで、$\theta$によらないロバストな推定を行うことができます。



\[\begin{align} P(t=1 \mid \boldsymbol w)&=\frac{P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1)P(t=1)}{P(\boldsymbol w)}\nonumber\\ &=\frac{P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1)P(t=1)}{\sum_tP(\boldsymbol w \mid t)P(t)}\nonumber\\ &=\frac{P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1)P(t=1)}{P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=0)P(t=0) + P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1)P(t=1)}\nonumber\\ \end{align}\\]


\[\begin{align} P(t=0) = P(t=1) = 0.5\nonumber\\ \end{align}\\]


\[\begin{align} P(t=1 \mid \boldsymbol w)=\frac{P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1)}{P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=0) + P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1)}\\ \end{align}\\]



\[\begin{align} P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=0) &= \int_0^1 P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=0, \theta)P(\theta)d\theta\\ P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1) &= \int_0^1 P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1, \theta)P(\theta)d\theta\\ \end{align}\\]


\[\begin{align} P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1, \theta) &= \theta^{n_H}(1-\theta)^{n_T}\nonumber\\ P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=0, \theta) &= \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{n_H}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{n_T} = \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{10}\nonumber\\ P(\theta) &= 1\nonumber\\ \end{align}\\]


\[\begin{align} P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1) &= \int_0^1 P(\boldsymbol w \mid t=1, \theta)P(\theta)d\theta\nonumber\\ &= \int_0^1 \theta^{n_H}(1-\theta)^{n_T}d\theta\nonumber\\ &= B(n_H+1, n_T+1)\nonumber\\ &= \frac{\Gamma(n_H+1)\Gamma(n_T+1)}{\Gamma(n_H+n_T+2)}\nonumber\\ &= \frac{n_H!n_T!}{(n_H+n_T+1)!}\nonumber\\ &= \frac{n_H!n_T!}{11!}\\ \end{align}\\]



\[\begin{align} P(t=1 \mid \boldsymbol w) &= \frac{\frac{n_H!n_T!}{11!}}{\frac{n_H!n_T!}{11!}+\frac{1}{2}^{10}}\nonumber\\ &=1/\left(1+\frac{11!}{n_H!n_T!2^{10}}\right)\nonumber\\ \end{align}\\]



$K$種類の単語があったとき、それぞれの単語が出現する確率を、パラメータ$\boldsymbol \theta=(\theta_1,…,\theta_K)$の多項分布で表します。


これはDeep Learningのソフトマックス層をイメージするとわかりやすいです。

そしてパラメータ$\boldsymbol \theta$の事前分布として広く用いられるのがディリクレ分布で、以下のように表されます。

\[\begin{align} {\rm Dir}(\alpha_1,...,\alpha_k)=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha)}{\Gamma(\alpha_1)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(\alpha_K)}{\theta_1}^{\alpha_1-1}\cdot\cdot\cdot{\theta_K}^{\alpha_K-1}\\ \end{align}\\]


\[\begin{align} \alpha = \sum_{i=1}^K \alpha_i \end{align}\\]




また多項分布の共役事前分布はディリクレ分布であるため、観測結果$\boldsymbol x$を得たもとでの事後分布は$p(\boldsymbol \theta \mid \boldsymbol x) = {\rm Dir}(\alpha_1 + n_1, …, \alpha_K + n_K)$とディリクレ分布になるため扱いやすいのが特徴です。



クラス数を$K$とし、$i-1$個のデータ$\boldsymbol x=x_1,…,x_{i-1}$を観測したとします。


クラス変数はパラメータ$\boldsymbol \theta=(\theta_1,…,\theta_K)$の多項分布に従っており、クラス$k$の出現確率は$\theta_k$で表されます。

また$\boldsymbol \theta$の事前分布としてパラメータ$\beta$の対称なディリクレ分布

\[\begin{align} P(\boldsymbol \theta) = {\rm Dir}(\underbrace{\beta,..,\beta}_{K})=\frac{\Gamma(K\beta)}{\Gamma(\beta)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(\beta)}{\theta_1}^{\beta-1}\cdot\cdot\cdot{\theta_K}^{\beta-1}\\ \end{align}\\]



\[\begin{align} P(x_i = k \mid \boldsymbol x_{-1}, \beta) &= \int P(k \mid \boldsymbol \theta)P(\boldsymbol \theta \mid \boldsymbol x_{-1}, \beta) d\boldsymbol \theta\nonumber\\ &= \frac{n_k+\beta}{i-1+K\beta} \end{align}\\]

上のコインの例と同様、パラメータ$\boldsymbol \theta$を積分消去しています。



\[\begin{align} P(x_i = k \mid \boldsymbol x_{-1}, \beta) &= \int P(k \mid \boldsymbol \theta)P(\boldsymbol \theta \mid \boldsymbol x_{-1}, \beta) d\boldsymbol \theta\nonumber\\ &= \int \theta_k\frac{P(\boldsymbol x_{-1} \mid \boldsymbol \theta, \beta)P(\boldsymbol \theta)}{P(\boldsymbol x_{-1})}d\boldsymbol \theta\nonumber\\ &= \int \theta_k\theta_1^{n_1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{n_k}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_K^{n_K}\frac{P(\boldsymbol \theta)}{P(\boldsymbol x_{-1})}d\boldsymbol \theta\nonumber\\ &= \int \theta_1^{n_1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{n_k+1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_K^{n_K}\frac{P(\boldsymbol \theta)}{P(\boldsymbol x_{-1})}d\boldsymbol \theta\\ \end{align}\\]

$P(\boldsymbol \theta)$は問題で定義されているので$P(\boldsymbol x_{-1})$を求めると、

\[\begin{align} P(\boldsymbol x_{-1}) &= \int P(\boldsymbol x_{-1} \mid \boldsymbol \theta)P(\boldsymbol \theta)d\boldsymbol \theta\nonumber\\ &=\int \theta_1^{n_1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{n_K}\frac{\Gamma(K\beta)}{\Gamma(\beta)^K}\theta_1^{\beta-1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{\beta-1}\nonumber\\ &= \frac{\Gamma(K\beta)}{\Gamma(\beta)^K} \int \theta_1^{n_1 + \beta - 1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{n_K + \beta - 1}\nonumber\\ &= \frac{\Gamma(K\beta)\Gamma(n_1 + \beta)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(n_K + \beta)}{\Gamma(\beta)^K\Gamma(i-1+K\beta)}\\ i &= n_1+\cdot\cdot\cdot+n_K-1\nonumber\\ \end{align}\\]



\[\begin{align} P(x = k \mid \boldsymbol x_{-1}, \beta) &= \int \theta_1^{n_1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{n_k+1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_K^{n_K}\frac{P(\boldsymbol \theta)}{P(\boldsymbol x_{-1})}d\boldsymbol \theta\nonumber\\ &= \int \theta_1^{n_1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{n_k+1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_K^{n_K} \frac{\Gamma(K\beta)}{\Gamma(\beta)^K}\theta_1^{\beta-1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{\beta-1} \frac{\Gamma(\beta)^K\Gamma(i-1+K\beta)}{\Gamma(K\beta)\Gamma(n_1 + \beta)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(n_K + \beta)} d\boldsymbol \theta\nonumber\\ &= \frac{\Gamma(i-1+K\beta)}{\Gamma(n_1 + \beta)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(n_K + \beta)} \int \theta_1^{n_1+\beta-1}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_k^{n_k+\beta}\cdot\cdot\cdot\theta_K^{n_K+\beta-1}d\boldsymbol \theta\nonumber\\ &= \frac{\Gamma(i-1+K\beta)}{\Gamma(n_1 + \beta)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(n_K + \beta)} \frac{\Gamma(n_1 + \beta)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(n_k + \beta + 1)\cdot\cdot\cdot\Gamma(n_K + \beta)}{\Gamma(i+K\beta)}\nonumber\\ &= \frac{\Gamma(i-1+K\beta)}{\Gamma(n_k + \beta)}\frac{\Gamma(n_k + \beta + 1)}{\Gamma(i+K\beta)}\nonumber\\ &= \frac{\Gamma(i-1+K\beta)}{\Gamma(n_k + \beta)}\frac{(n_k + \beta)\Gamma(n_k + \beta)}{(i-1+K\beta)\Gamma(i-1+K\beta)}\nonumber\\ &= \frac{n_k+\beta}{i-1+K\beta}\nonumber\\ \end{align}\\]





\[\begin{align} t_i &\mid t_{i-1}=t, t_{i-2}=t',\boldsymbol \tau^{(t,t')} \sim {\rm Mult}(\tau^{(t,t')})\\ w_i &\mid t_i = t, \boldsymbol \omega^{(t)} \sim {\rm Mult}(\omega^{(t)})\\ \boldsymbol \tau^{(t,t')} &\mid \alpha \sim {\rm Dirichlet}(\alpha)\\ \boldsymbol \omega^{(t)} &\mid \beta \sim {\rm Dirichlet}(\beta)\\ \end{align}\\]



\[\begin{align} t_i &\mid t_{i-1}=t, t_{i-2}=t',\boldsymbol \tau^{(t,t')} \sim {\rm Mult}(\tau^{(t,t')})\nonumber\\ \end{align}\\]

は$t_{i-1}=t, t_{i-2}=t’,\boldsymbol \tau^{(t,t’)}$が与えられたときに$t_i$が${\rm Mult}(\boldsymbol \tau^{(t,t’)})$から生成されることを表しています。

可能な品詞タグの総数を$\mid T \mid$とすると、品詞の遷移確率$\boldsymbol \tau^{(t,t’)}$は$\mid T \mid$個のパラメータを持つ多項分布になります。

また単語の多項分布のパラメータ$\boldsymbol \omega^{(t)}$ですが、これの要素数は単語の総数$\mid W \mid$ではなく、品詞$t$として可能な単語の総数$\mid W_t \mid$個の要素からなります。

次に$\boldsymbol \tau^{(t,t’)}$と$\boldsymbol \omega^{(t)}$を積分消去するのですが、これは式(13)の変数を変えるだけで求められます。

\[\begin{align} P(t_i \mid \boldsymbol t_{-i}, \alpha) &= \frac{n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)} + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1})} + \mid T \mid\alpha}\\ P(w_i \mid t_i, \boldsymbol t_{-i}, \boldsymbol w_{-i}, \alpha) &= \frac{n_{(t_i, w_i)} + \beta}{n_{t_i} + \mid W_t \mid\beta}\\ t_{-i} &= t_1,...,t_{i-1},t_{i+1},...\\ w_{-i} &= w_1,...,w_{i-1},w_{i+1},...\\ \end{align}\\]

$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)}$はトライグラムのカウントです。

たとえば$t_{i-2}=1,t_{i-1}=4,t_{i}=3$だった場合、$1 \to 4 \to 3$の順で品詞が並んで観測された回数を表しています。

同様に$n_{(t_i, w_i)}$は品詞と単語のペアのカウントです。

$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)}$と$n_{(t_i, w_i)}$はともに$i-1$番目までの観測結果のカウントであることに注意が必要です。





\[\begin{align} P(\boldsymbol t \mid \boldsymbol w, \alpha, \beta) \propto P(\boldsymbol w \mid \boldsymbol t, \beta)P(\boldsymbol t \mid \alpha)\\ \end{align}\\]

ただし$\boldsymbol t$の要素を一つづつサンプリングして更新していくため、実際は以下の$t_i$の条件付き確率から品詞をサンプリングします。

\[\begin{align} P(t_i \mid \boldsymbol t_{-1}, \boldsymbol w, \alpha, \beta) \propto \frac{n_{t_i, w_i} + \beta}{n_{t_i} + W_t\beta}\cdot \frac{n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)} + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1})} + \mid T \mid\alpha}\cdot \frac{n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i}, t_{i+1})} + I(t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1}) + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i})} + I(t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i) + \mid T \mid\alpha}\cdot\nonumber\\ \frac{n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1}, t_{i+2})} + I(t_{i-2} = t_i = t_{i+2} , t_{i-1} = t_{i+1}) + I(t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1} = t_{i+2}) + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1})} + I(t_{i-2} = t_i , t_{i-1} = t_{i+1}) + I(t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1}) + T\alpha} \end{align}\\]



その際にカウントを1下げるテーブルは$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)}, n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i}, t_{i+1})}, n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1}, t_{i+2})}$の3つです。








  • 新しい$\alpha^{new}$を提案分布$q(\alpha^{new} \mid \alpha^{(t)}) = {\cal N}(\alpha^{(t)}, (0.1\cdot\alpha^{(t)})^2)$から発生させる
  • $u$を一様分布${\cal U}(0,1)$から発生させ、以下に従って更新する
\[\begin{align} \alpha^{(t+1)} \gets \begin{cases} \alpha^{new} & {\rm if} \ u \leq {\cal A}(\alpha^{(t)}, \alpha^{new})\\ \alpha^{(t)} & {\rm otherwise}. \end{cases}\ \end{align}\\]

${\cal A}(\alpha^{(t)}, \alpha^{new})$が採択確率で、以下のように求めます。

\[\begin{align} {\cal A}(\alpha^{(t)}, \alpha^{new}) = {\rm min}\left\{1, \frac{\pi(\alpha^{new})q(\alpha^{(t)} \mid \alpha^{new})}{\pi(\alpha^{(t)})q(\alpha^{new}\mid\alpha^{(t)})}\right\} \end{align}\\]

論文によると$\pi(\alpha) = p(\boldsymbol t \mid \boldsymbol w, \alpha)$にするというニュアンスの書き方になっているため、確率ではなく$\alpha$の尤度を用いるようです。

($p(\boldsymbol t \mid \boldsymbol w, \alpha)$は$\boldsymbol t$と$\boldsymbol w$が固定されているため$\alpha$の関数とみなすことができますが、$\alpha$を動かすことで$\boldsymbol t$を与えた$\alpha$として尤もらしい値が何なのかを計算することができ、これを尤度と言います)

また論文の”a term correcting for the asymmetric proposal distribution”とあるのはおそらく$\frac{q(\alpha^{(t)} \mid \alpha^{new})}{q(\alpha^{new}\mid\alpha^{(t)})}$のことであると考えられます。

なぜ”asymmetric”なのかというと、もし両方とも分散が同じであれば(”symmetric”であれば)$q(\alpha^{(t)} \mid \alpha^{new}) = q(\alpha^{new}\mid\alpha^{(t)})$となって消えるからです。


\[\begin{align} \sigma^{new} &= 0.1\cdot\alpha^{new}\\ \sigma^{(t)} &= 0.1\cdot\alpha^{(t)}\\ \frac{q(\alpha^{(t)} \mid \alpha^{new})}{q(\alpha^{new}\mid\alpha^{(t)})} &= \frac { \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi(\sigma^{new})^2}}{\rm exp}\left( -\frac{(\alpha^{(t)} - \alpha^{new})^2}{2\cdot{\sigma_{\alpha^{new}}}^2}\right) } { \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi(\sigma^{(t)})^2}}{\rm exp}\left( -\frac{(\alpha^{(new)} - \alpha^{(t)})^2}{2\cdot{\sigma_{\alpha^{(t)}}}^2}\right) }\\ &= \frac{\alpha^{(t)}}{\alpha^{new}}{\rm exp} \left( \frac{(\alpha^{new} - \alpha^{(t)})^2}{2\cdot{\sigma_{\alpha^{(t)}}}^2} -\frac{(\alpha^{(t)} - \alpha^{new})^2}{2\cdot{\sigma_{\alpha^{new}}}^2} \right) \end{align}\\]

$\sigma^{new} = \sigma^{(t)}$とすると正規分布が”symmetric”になり、上の比は常に$1$になります。


\[\begin{align} {\cal A}(\alpha^{(t)}, \alpha^{new}) = {\rm min}\left\{1, \frac{ p(\boldsymbol t \mid \boldsymbol w, \alpha^{new}) }{ p(\boldsymbol t \mid \boldsymbol w, \alpha^{(t)}) } \cdot \frac{\alpha^{(t)}}{\alpha^{new}}{\rm exp} \left( \frac{(\alpha^{new} - \alpha^{(t)})^2}{2\cdot{\sigma_{\alpha^{(t)}}}^2} -\frac{(\alpha^{(t)} - \alpha^{new})^2}{2\cdot{\sigma_{\alpha^{new}}}^2} \right) \right\} \end{align}\\]

$p(\boldsymbol t \mid \boldsymbol w, \alpha)$の計算をどのように行えばよいかわからなかったので、訓練データからランダムに1行取り出し、現在の$\alpha^{(t)}$と提案分布から生成した$\alpha^{new}$それぞれで$p(\boldsymbol t \mid \boldsymbol w, \alpha)$を計算しました。





\[\begin{align} \boldsymbol \omega^{(t)} &\mid \boldsymbol \beta^{(t)} = (\underbrace{\beta_t,\beta_t,..,\beta_t,\beta_t}_{\mid W_t \mid}) \sim {\rm Dirichlet}(\boldsymbol \beta^{(t)})\\ \end{align}\\]




\[\begin{align} \boldsymbol \omega^{(t)} \mid \boldsymbol \beta^{(t)} = (\underbrace{\beta_t,\beta_t,..,\beta_t,\beta_t}_{\mid W_t \mid}) &\sim {\rm Dirichlet}(\boldsymbol \beta^{(t)}) = \frac{\Gamma(\mid W_t \mid \beta_t)}{\Gamma(\beta_t)^{\mid W_t \mid}} \prod_{w \in W_t}{\omega_w}^{\beta_t-1}\\ \boldsymbol \omega^{(t)} &= \{\omega_w \mid w \in W_t\} \end{align}\\]



今回のモデルでは文の位置$i$の品詞$t_i$が決まると、遷移確率$\boldsymbol \omega^{(t)}$に従って単語$w_i$が決定します。

$\boldsymbol \omega^{(t)}$は要素数が$\mid W_t \mid$のため、品詞$t$の単語としてありえないものは出現しないようになっています。

この$W_t$は辞書を用いて事前に決定する必要がありますが、$\boldsymbol \omega^{(t)}$は積分消去されて消えてしまうので、個数$\mid W_t \mid$だけ明らかでどの単語が品詞$t$としてありえるものなのかは分からなくなります。









Alice’s adventures in wonderland





tag 0:

<bos>/1634, <eos>/1634, 

tag 1:

be/919, to/390, have/344, do/243, n't/217, it/196, '/193, go/178, not/145, you/130, say/122, get/113, will/111, know/107, S/103, think/97, see/96, s/94, on/94, begin/92, look/89, could/86, would/81, come/78, make/76, all/61, find/57, quite/55, hear/45, never/44, must/44, only/42, tell/42, just/42, try/40, seem/40, feel/37, speak/37, can/36, like/36, sit/35, should/32, grow/31, give/30, put/30, ca/28, run/28, might/28, nothing/26, keep/26, call/25, shall/25, soon/25, wo/24, mean/23, eat/22, wonder/21, ,/21, remember/20, they/19, walk/18, she/18, add/17, ever/17, take/15, want/15, stand/14, may/14, turn/14, suppose/14, ought/14, now/13, suddenly/13, always/13, set/12, manage/12, learn/12, hardly/12, please/12, swim/11, use/11, at/11, i/10, beg/9, 

tag 2:

,/2315, ./1198, !/446, ?/190, as/107, out/89, up/72, when/40, wish/21, enough/18, sure/14, forget/13, afraid/12, else/12, whether/11, glad/11, help/10, believe/10, gardener/8, 

tag 3:

she/535, i/534, it/394, alice/379, you/281, and/263, that/138, they/133, he/125, there/99, what/77, who/62, this/61, to/59, then/58, well/50, which/45, oh/43, how/41, why/39, we/34, all/29, course/25, if/24, do/24, so/22, however/20, but/20, perhaps/17, or/15, where/15, would/15, please/14, yes/13, as/13, though/11, when/9, 

tag 4:

the/1632, a/626, her/177, his/96, very/79, this/68, no/66, your/62, my/58, its/57, an/57, their/52, some/42, one/37, any/33, another/20, too/17, these/14, every/12, two/10, beautiful/9, 

tag 5:

little/127, them/88, herself/83, again/83, thing/80, queen/75, time/74, her/71, one/68, down/66, very/65, king/64, me/64, head/60, turtle/60, hatter/57, off/57, mock/55, gryphon/55, much/51, first/51, way/51, voice/51, rabbit/50, cat/50, here/49, more/49, mouse/48, other/47, him/43, duchess/42, now/42, tone/42, large/41, dormouse/40, back/40, great/39, good/39, eye/36, march/35, last/35, hand/35, once/34, reply/34, ask/33, long/33, day/33, minute/32, door/32, dear/32, right/32, hare/31, moment/31, word/31, talk/31, white/30, next/30, two/30, leave/29, foot/29, up/28, turn/28, three/28, out/28, ,/28, caterpillar/27, poor/27, well/27, change/26, remark/26, rather/25, away/25, no/24, same/24, half/23, yet/23, sort/23, jury/22, old/22, use/22, side/21, arm/21, question/21, happen/21, curious/21, write/21, child/21, wait/20, face/20, anything/20, hurry/20, repeat/20, house/19, before/19, end/19, come/19, fall/19, even/18, court/18, table/18, tea/18, 

tag 6:

and/607, of/509, say/410, in/364, to/280, at/201, with/180, that/176, but/150, for/143, as/143, so/127, on/99, all/89, about/78, if/72, into/67, what/64, or/62, by/58, like/56, ,/55, after/43, take/42, such/41, then/36, over/35, from/35, down/35, when/30, round/28, how/27, without/26, upon/26, than/24, let/22, cry/21, till/21, think/20, thought/20, before/19, hold/17, finish/17, while/17, under/16, off/16, because/15, near/15, through/14, behind/13, among/12, join/12, shake/12, shout/11, be/11, either/10, open/10, sing/10, ./10, continue/9, 







tag 0:

<bos>/1634, <eos>/1634, 

tag 1:

it/258, alice/192, go/179, all/176, out/117, look/106, up/100, be/99, see/97, come/97, begin/92, her/91, on/89, them/88, you/84, herself/83, again/83, off/73, say/70, me/68, down/67, one/59, get/53, just/52, much/51, here/51, like/50, do/50, try/45, so/45, not/44, this/43, him/43, now/43, about/42, turn/42, that/41, two/40, back/40, such/37, speak/37, sit/36, well/36, put/34, reply/34, once/34, nothing/34, use/33, ask/33, grow/32, first/31, talk/31, think/30, more/30, leave/29, run/28, course/26, too/26, change/26, rather/25, then/25, yet/25, what/25, away/25, sure/24, no/24, in/24, mean/23, last/23, know/23, half/23, eat/22, old/22, round/22, happen/21, before/21, write/21, wait/20, repeat/20, anything/20, open/19, even/18, quite/18, find/18, soup/18, enough/18, something/18, over/18, seem/17, finish/17, hold/17, high/17, thing/17, which/16, make/16, hastily/16, bill/16, indeed/16, next/16, small/15, set/15, 

tag 2:

and/537, say/462, but/156, that/128, if/96, when/79, as/75, so/71, then/69, what/62, for/51, oh/45, well/41, why/37, think/34, with/31, or/25, add/24, no/23, till/21, thought/20, while/20, however/20, how/18, before/17, perhaps/17, now/17, let/15, dear/15, where/15, because/15, cry/15, please/15, after/14, yes/13, call/11, whether/11, though/11, shout/11, twinkle/9, 

tag 3:

time/68, thing/63, turtle/60, way/52, voice/48, tone/42, minute/32, hare/31, moment/31, door/30, hand/30, foot/29, day/26, word/23, sort/23, arm/21, question/21, side/21, face/20, house/19, end/19, table/18, child/18, court/18, remark/17, air/16, garden/16, bit/15, idea/15, tree/15, size/14, baby/14, mouth/14, sea/14, creature/14, dance/14, life/13, hurry/13, lobster/13, deal/12, tail/12, pig/12, fan/12, box/11, conversation/11, sister/11, hedgehog/10, bird/10, reason/10, pool/10, witness/10, piece/9, 

tag 4:

to/585, of/508, in/343, at/212, and/205, with/150, ,/118, on/104, for/102, into/67, be/65, as/62, by/58, very/53, about/52, that/51, or/48, ./47, like/42, so/35, down/34, have/34, from/29, after/29, !/27, without/26, upon/26, take/26, over/22, round/19, than/16, near/16, under/16, through/14, among/12, join/12, against/9, 

tag 5:

the/1628, a/623, her/157, his/96, this/67, your/62, my/58, its/57, an/57, their/49, no/43, some/41, one/37, very/37, any/29, that/24, another/22, every/12, those/10, these/8, 

tag 6:

,/2247, ./389, !/309, ?/127, as/126, and/31, than/8, 

tag 7:

be/777, have/310, n't/217, do/190, '/185, to/113, will/111, S/103, not/101, s/94, could/86, know/84, would/73, make/60, get/60, think/53, ,/45, must/44, find/39, only/38, never/38, quite/37, can/34, tell/34, should/32, hear/32, take/31, feel/29, might/28, ca/28, give/26, keep/26, seem/23, wish/21, very/21, shall/20, remember/20, wonder/17, walk/17, ever/16, soon/16, want/15, call/14, may/14, ought/14, always/13, hardly/12, wo/11, suppose/10, beg/9, 

tag 8:

./772, !/111, ?/74, 

tag 9:

little/127, queen/75, king/64, head/60, hatter/57, mock/55, gryphon/55, rabbit/50, other/47, cat/47, mouse/45, duchess/42, large/40, dormouse/40, great/39, good/39, eye/36, march/35, very/33, white/30, three/28, caterpillar/27, same/24, jury/22, long/22, curious/21, first/20, more/19, right/19, tea/18, low/17, poor/17, dear/17, footman/15, answer/14, game/14, next/14, book/13, queer/13, whole/13, dodo/13, many/12, serpent/12, slate/12, name/12, pigeon/12, majesty/12, last/12, place/11, grin/11, glove/11, offend/11, rest/11, ear/11, trial/11, soldier/11, cook/11, glass/10, bottle/10, own/10, different/9, 

tag 10:

she/552, i/541, it/337, you/319, alice/204, they/152, he/125, and/97, there/92, that/71, who/55, what/54, how/40, we/34, do/27, which/26, this/24, would/19, to/16, '/15, wo/13, one/9, 





tag 0:

<bos>/200000, <eos>/200000, and/4, 

tag 1:

he/9414, it/6487, and/5570, which/3663, but/2722, they/2530, she/2187, this/2033, there/1805, who/1607, as/1555, however/1532, "/1323, although/744, accord/633, when/612, after/587, @card@/579, while/548, then/472, also/460, so/422, one/407, i/399, though/393, or/379, if/360, some/358, what/336, these/336, most/332, even/323, later/291, order/287, we/285, where/284, thus/281, due/273, many/272, because/264, )/226, you/210, male/205, since/184, those/165, 5/164, therefore/159, whom/155, 1/154, people/154, today/144, now/142, originally/140, 6/140, S/140, john/138, rather/136, before/135, 3/134, eventually/131, finally/130, all/129, other/127, instead/125, 2/124, despite/123, 8/122, 0/112, 7/108, sometimes/107, shortly/106, soon/103, prior/100, student/100, usually/100, 9/100, 4/100, just/93, man/92, both/89, peter/89, once/87, (/87, much/87, how/86, team/85, try/83, player/82, bear/81, currently/79, additionally/78, first/78, Israel/77, thomas/77, yet/76, them/76, meanwhile/75, unfortunately/71, each/71, indeed/71, initially/70, zia/70, harrer/65, along/65, together/62, nevertheless/61, similar/61, upon/60, more/60, Nintendo/59, whether/58, perhaps/57, note/56, here/56, com/56, peirce/56, Taylor/55, William/54, start/54, Michael/52, leeds/51, George/50, addition/50, attempt/50, mike/49, russia/49, billy/49, sora/48, danny/48, thereby/48, subsequently/47, charles/47, thrust/47, Craig/47, -/47, recently/45, capablanca/45, jones/45, arthas/45, generally/44, child/43, example/43, louis/42, hope/41, king/40, afterwards/40, vegetto/40, apart/40, still/39, furthermore/39, hence/39, back/39, again/38, found/38, jack/37, unlike/37, historically/37, apparently/36, o/36, Johnson/36, bell/36, little/35, don/35, previously/35, user/35, consequently/35, jimmy/35, anyone/35, iran/35, god/35, only/35, james/34, such/34, construction/34, let/34, pearce/34, response/34, east/33, Diaz/33, pollifax/33, Finland/33, emacs/33, immediately/33, al/32, karmichael/32, metropolis/32, lady/32, possibly/32, land/32, Paul/31, critic/31, moreover/31, wyoming/31, none/31, smith/31, light/31, another/30, pi/30, specifically/30, jat/30, visitor/30, 

tag 2:

./75, uncertain/3, 

tag 3:

./12, Goldwyn/4, 

tag 4:

,/19, and/3, 

tag 5:

in/7651, on/1481, by/1055, of/774, for/733, at/701, from/568, ,/382, to/382, with/342, as/303, '/220, (/162, between/159, since/158, about/154, until/147, after/137, over/110, during/84, than/83, around/74, when/64, into/60, approximately/57, "/56, sir/47, and/46, route/44, only/44, like/36, before/34, john/34, under/32, feature/31, against/30, through/29, san/29, near/25, within/25, @card@/24, ;/23, where/23, charles/23, be/20, saint/20, number/20, premiership/20, )/19, upon/18, prince/18, follow/18, bear/18, eastern/17, include/16, among/16, reach/16, that/15, William/15, -/14, October/14, captain/14, professor/13, general/13, name/12, fill/12, robert/12, become/11, south/11, km/11, just/11, across/10, henry/10, walter/10, nearly/10, unlike/10, James/10, locate/10, throughout/10, while/10, article/10, march/10, st/10, james/10, if/9, 

tag 6:

##/4073, -/3925, first/3376, "/2483, new/2243, unite/1491, other/1341, high/1309, large/1282, most/1272, ##th/1251, state/1206, American/1174, same/1141, second/1112, national/1104, two/1058, early/914, own/897, small/886, great/841, good/719, old/706, last/704, main/669, world/667, British/654, original/644, more/641, only/631, few/630, major/626, late/584, local/568, three/562, long/546, single/522, young/514, international/509, third/509, median/506, former/502, final/483, next/479, public/479, very/469, short/458, football/458, political/441, royal/436, military/434, general/434, york/423, English/418, different/394, war/390, air/389, low/384, central/381, popular/374, television/374, current/372, top/371, north/370, four/369, soviet/355, non/354, black/351, Canadian/350, total/349, western/346, full/346, European/343, german/339, radio/329, music/325, white/324, female/322, important/321, south/320, southern/318, common/318, lead/317, northern/314, special/311, art/308, west/306, follow/298, famous/298, official/297, big/296, Japanese/296, league/291, home/291, civil/290, red/289, Australian/288, entire/285, east/284, French/284, modern/279, film/274, grand/273, Arab/267, Russian/266, social/264, previous/259, real/257, strong/255, eastern/250, video/250, Indian/242, middle/242, sport/242, independent/242, rock/239, human/239, professional/236, per/236, blue/232, natural/229, catholic/228, roman/227, economic/226, Olympic/225, live/224, free/217, Italian/214, term/212, wide/212, standard/211, county/211, Spanish/210, successful/209, federal/208, five/204, dark/202, Christian/201, water/199, primary/197, significant/195, right/194, Jewish/194, democratic/193, tv/192, private/190, research/188, mid/187, powerful/187, present/186, comic/184, scientific/184, personal/183, us/182, poverty/182, police/180, ancient/180, fourth/180, medical/179, traditional/178, little/177, summer/176, particular/176, physical/176, religious/176, fictional/176, Chinese/175, security/175, railway/174, husband/174, school/174, ##st/172, computer/172, complete/172, commercial/172, energy/168, metal/168, close/165, year/165, time/164, open/162, prime/161, regular/161, annual/160, secret/159, naval/159, upper/159, similar/158, remain/158, light/157, foreign/157, golden/157, $/156, recent/156, gold/155, six/154, Greek/153, dutch/153, business/152, game/151, musical/151, 

tag 7:


tag 8:

john/114, Michael/75, david/72, la/69, William/65, jean/39, frank/38, Robert/36, Richard/36, peter/36, steve/36, mark/34, de/34, jim/29, mike/29, Paul/28, thomas/28, henry/27, tom/27, bobby/25, bob/25, chris/25, brian/24, jack/23, lee/22, joe/21, van/21, el/20, jacques/20, dan/19, robert/19, ben/19, alex/19, charles/19, stephen/19, Chris/18, bill/18, tim/17, arthur/17, eric/16, james/16, sir/16, le/16, jimmy/16, alexander/15, Christian/15, ;/15, George/14, Charles/14, harry/14, Thomas/14, te/14, weather/14, adam/14, Jeff/13, rick/13, Scott/13, dave/13, ron/13, richard/13, Pierre/13, martin/13, bear/13, sarah/12, matt/12, Jonathan/12, george/12, edward/12, Santa/12, drum/12, aka/12, near/12, lord/12, James/11, steven/11, joseph/11, uss/11, nick/11, prince/11, billy/11, na/11, charlie/11, gary/11, kuala/11, Puerto/11, walang/10, mga/10, Jan/10, Vladimir/10, maurice/10, du/10, matthew/10, leon/10, dennis/10, max/10, roger/10, ren/10, marie/10, don/10, tommy/9, 

tag 9:


tag 10:

,/111183, of/71857, and/48530, in/39847, -/17940, (/15237, for/13384, '/12082, to/10382, with/10069, on/9636, be/8366, from/7593, at/7146, as/6701, by/5543, or/4618, )/3748, ;/2973, that/2757, "/2708, when/2251, after/2104, during/2048, between/1631, where/1594, //1503, into/1403, include/1150, under/1144, until/1018, against/1011, over/952, than/933, before/906, since/815, through/790, about/768, if/636, while/633, within/568, because/562, like/536, but/533, around/470, follow/418, near/416, call/401, use/397, ##/393, among/391, de/369, throughout/328, along/250, feature/246, million/235, across/235, contain/233, upon/227, alone/221, although/220, despite/216, win/203, which/202, without/201, towards/191, versus/187, female/186, via/184, behind/163, above/155, have/154, outside/148, see/146, represent/146, hold/143, ?/141, per/139, provide/134, show/133, name/127, off/122, whose/121, involve/121, receive/117, allow/115, john/104, ii/104, cause/102, %/93, unlike/89, cover/86, year/83, become/79, enter/76, produce/75, reach/75, onto/75, offer/73, inside/73, require/71, star/68, below/64, defeat/63, route/63, beyond/63, surround/63, del/62, amongst/61, lose/61, toward/60, except/59, whether/57, act/56, entitle/56, von/55, unless/55, regard/54, concern/54, who/52, david/52, channel/50, bear/49, gain/49, champion/48, comprise/48, old/47, van/47, company/46, richard/46, meet/46, series/45, nor/45, alongside/45, mark/44, besides/44, o/43, host/43, whereas/42, score/41, band/41, di/40, face/39, base/38, operate/38, aboard/38, general/36, why/36, attack/36, take/36, cross/36, kong/36, wear/36, control/36, day/35, des/35, guard/35, till/35, indicate/35, join/35, S/34, cup/34, give/34, da/34, ibn/34, house/34, introduce/34, ask/33, whom/33, replace/33, affect/33, span/33, james/32, declare/32, visit/32, george/32, make/31, bin/31, hms/31, resemble/31, due/30, captain/30, Kong/30, peter/29, rider/29, issue/29, play/28, state/28, et/28, du/28, der/28, once/28, ago/28, enforcement/28, joseph/28, connect/28, opera/28, approve/28, acquire/28, della/27, lie/27, 

tag 11:


tag 12:


tag 13:

)/4122, "/3921, time/3213, year/3105, state/2320, game/2175, school/2130, city/2091, area/1799, name/1764, member/1590, team/1542, number/1502, ##/1493, system/1425, ##s/1408, university/1399, group/1371, war/1366, @card@/1272, town/1260, work/1248, line/1229, day/1228, man/1222, series/1216, part/1198, company/1175, world/1148, family/1131, country/1117, book/1113, population/1077, service/1076, end/1065, album/1038, house/1028, song/1018, people/1015, party/1009, band/1004, force/990, point/985, government/984, player/979, life/968, way/946, century/929, film/918, character/900, station/895, form/876, island/829, season/828, club/823, church/810, power/797, district/789, river/781, result/777, version/765, base/755, law/744, use/743, one/741, side/736, program/724, income/719, show/716, age/707, place/705, term/692, college/691, case/685, court/681, event/671, father/670, building/668, language/666, title/665, history/648, death/646, village/626, army/625, region/618, record/617, field/608, son/603, community/602, body/601, child/598, role/594, period/593, order/584, level/582, site/579, unit/578, king/572, set/570, center/565, race/558, word/558, ship/557, election/551, development/542, office/541, student/538, right/531, episode/530, division/525, award/517, park/514, league/514, battle/513, story/510, model/509, act/505, council/504, effect/502, star/499, position/497, woman/497, career/497, person/482, type/479, attack/476, leader/475, road/474, department/470, other/467, hand/465, home/464, problem/464, project/458, land/458, music/456, release/454, u/454, head/453, friend/449, organization/448, society/447, process/445, design/443, style/440, range/439, action/438, study/435, example/432, brother/428, class/425, census/425, union/423, list/422, month/419, theory/419, nation/419, movie/418, minister/412, association/412, mother/403, championship/403, car/398, success/397, fact/394, president/394, ground/393, household/388, art/385, track/385, movement/385, degree/382, production/381, province/381, product/379, rule/377, card/376, board/376, network/375, performance/374, wife/374, street/374, location/373, interest/372, boy/372, novel/365, structure/363, appearance/362, centre/362, committee/362, ability/360, source/358, issue/358, article/357, bridge/355, activity/353, change/351, method/351, county/347, magazine/347, water/343, 

tag 14:


tag 15:

##/14400, S/498, them/481, one/436, such/427, and/407, well/343, france/293, california/278, japan/253, st/249, australia/247, england/246, india/245, him/231, age/231, i/229, old/227, individual/222, europe/220, e/194, female/194, all/194, over/193, london/188, however/184, china/183, canada/183, along/181, germany/177, life/167, it/163, etc/160, d/154, u/153, Canada/149, italy/146, paris/142, especially/141, locate/140, Israel/139, science/138, america/129, England/127, more/127, texas/126, or/126, education/124, other/119, ohio/117, russia/116, most/113, parliament/111, some/111, b/110, pennsylvania/109, each/107, spain/106, god/105, law/103, scotland/101, c/100, p/98, music/98, earth/98, many/98, mathematics/97, general/96, director/96, massachusetts/95, illinois/95, ireland/95, London/94, art/94, Dr/93, water/93, both/90, history/89, washington/89, technology/89, rome/89, release/89, fame/88, up/88, a/87, Iraq/86, particularly/86, egypt/85, follow/85, inc/84, Finland/83, Georgia/83, English/83, chicago/83, representative/83, Co/82, Virginia/82, those/82, iran/80, Ontario/79, power/79, s/79, found/77, then/77, Mr/76, britain/76, wale/75, base/75, play/73, bear/73, mexico/72, Oxford/71, berlin/71, Sweden/69, Usa/68, Maryland/68, her/68, publish/68, Switzerland/67, michigan/67, physic/67, build/67, common/66, death/65, wisconsin/64, serve/64, boston/63, respectively/62, singapore/62, j/61, austria/61, that/61, two/61, Florida/59, greece/59, return/58, norway/57, philosophy/57, light/57, h/56, graduate/56, r/55, search/55, daughter/55, Washington/54, self/54, California/53, vol/53, non/52, business/52, Asia/52, florida/52, montreal/51, justice/51, woman/51, white/51, except/51, agriculture/50, g/50, French/50, turkey/49, Vietnam/49, f/49, philadelphia/49, complete/49, brazil/48, religion/48, communication/48, another/48, jerusalem/48, child/48, part/48, t/47, himself/47, space/47, write/47, die/47, athens/46, medicine/46, k/46, africa/46, length/46, much/46, founder/45, o/44, tennessee/44, Serbia/44, poland/44, romania/44, re/44, food/44, land/44, duke/44, thousand/44, king/44, independence/43, freedom/43, design/43, sign/43, high/43, march/43, 

tag 16:

%/1147, )/443, people/216, year/200, housing/162, graduate/57, die/54, km/29, compete/29, million/27, damme/22, mile/21, l/19, percent/18, thereafter/17, Rico/17, minute/16, "/15, point/15, consist/15, township/14, many/14, participate/14, goal/13, m/13, airway/13, woxing/12, most/12, mph/11, billion/11, Kong/11, ii/11, today/11, Co/10, copy/10, collins/10, langit/10, month/10, agerskov/10, vegas/10, fm/10, unite/10, lakan/10, gate/9, 

tag 17:

./95423, )/137, "/45, ?/18, as/12, infantry/5, 

tag 18:


tag 19:

the/151920, a/46206, his/11018, an/8733, S/6124, s/6035, their/4925, this/4427, its/4180, in/3187, her/2752, "/2430, ##/2272, other/1880, some/1835, many/1799, all/1683, two/1590, these/1566, one/1419, and/1382, that/1329, no/1308, for/1303, by/1271, $/1242, several/1229, any/1171, with/1093, each/958, as/919, new/868, another/801, three/778, both/644, of/580, more/578, high/497, various/497, every/480, most/456, four/455, on/454, or/404, to/380, include/372, such/350, my/347, world/344, five/328, those/325, our/318, different/313, your/306, at/305, into/298, great/295, which/290, from/280, good/278, provide/261, British/256, numerous/252, public/252, certain/239, local/238, six/234, human/234, modern/231, very/228, only/219, old/216, international/216, whose/216, under/214, early/212, American/204, over/203, like/202, small/201, base/200, former/198, major/197, large/196, team/183, national/179, little/179, long/179, see/178, average/174, make/173, @card@/173, much/172, special/169, multiple/169, -/155, seven/151, either/146, recent/139, ten/130, use/129, Arab/127, natural/125, political/120, united/117, produce/117, military/115, foreign/115, heavy/115, general/114, low/114, further/114, full/114, play/113, free/113, up/112, increase/109, eight/109, social/108, traditional/108, strong/106, black/103, private/103, late/101, Canadian/99, through/99, water/98, appoint/98, take/97, real/97, least/96, between/95, similar/94, white/93, german/91, nine/90, Japanese/89, ancient/89, gain/89, even/88, create/87, chief/86, among/86, future/85, individual/85, additional/85, computer/83, Israeli/83, after/83, common/82, government/81, study/81, prime/81, call/81, but/80, open/79, west/79, red/79, less/79, Christian/79, sri/79, lord/78, classical/78, while/78, super/77, cobra/76, western/75, approximately/75, legal/74, off/74, dark/73, know/73, considerable/72, air/71, personal/71, direct/71, business/70, popular/70, physical/70, extensive/70, north/69, reduce/69, separate/69, religious/67, specific/67, subsequent/67, about/67, Australian/66, Jewish/66, federal/66, official/65, almost/65, regular/64, poor/64, (/64, allow/63, English/63, when/63, receive/62, develop/62, how/62, 

tag 20:

##/26019, )/6394, "/1148, new/703, bear/700, September/651, march/573, December/547, south/546, may/544, October/540, august/524, january/507, November/499, north/496, year/493, April/488, county/456, john/443, july/430, february/422, June/366, %/334, san/327, km/313, york/297, age/294, addition/282, west/276, ##th/250, st/244, S/238, s/229, about/228, al/222, (/222, every/217, king/216, america/215, live/212, east/211, northern/210, William/209, m/207, mile/205, season/205, example/198, james/196, late/196, include/192, university/186, charles/186, george/185, henry/183, general/182, sir/180, los/175, household/171, early/167, foot/161, angeles/158, a/156, family/156, thomas/152, africa/151, president/150, saint/149, david/143, college/142, reside/142, i/135, least/133, yard/132, carolina/132, francisco/130, la/129, ii/129, street/127, long/124, lake/124, goal/123, peter/122, de/122, die/119, metre/119, over/116, see/116, central/111, bc/110, ireland/109, robert/108, lord/106, june/104, smith/103, london/101, day/101, mary/101, australia/100, old/100, both/100, prince/100, europe/99, v/97, captain/96, western/94, iii/92, ?/91, c/90, wale/89, edward/89, fact/88, bill/88, louis/88, road/88, island/88, paul/86, richard/86, fort/86, ##st/84, student/83, January/80, around/80, square/80, mount/80, hour/79, jersey/79, then/78, port/78, mm./78, minute/77, martin/76, southern/76, hong/76, baron/76, Kong/76, kong/76, b/75, ft/75, bay/73, order/72, route/72, hill/72, diego/71, india/70, meter/70, point/69, mexico/68, jones/68, window/67, e/66, p/66, just/66, joseph/66, become/66, professor/65, brown/65, Michael/64, people/64, pope/63, lady/63, frank/63, Robinson/63, avenue/63, episode/62, steve/62, d/61, alexander/61, ad/60, n/59, x/59, admiral/59, game/59, Asia/59, f/58, colonel/58, white/58, now/58, approximately/58, earl/58, w/58, cm/58, win/58, state/57, page/57, eastern/57, jackson/57, h/56, man/56, isbn/56, round/56, emperor/56, only/56, don/56, sq/56, germany/55, et/55, r/54, queen/54, class/54, green/54, southeast/54, 

tag 21:

one/1519, out/894, him/814, up/760, part/720, it/583, know/575, them/550, use/482, her/363, work/308, place/289, some/275, ##/275, base/266, well/265, play/256, bear/247, locate/238, child/225, live/224, appear/214, all/202, release/201, much/199, most/194, re/190, find/183, many/182, living/177, available/176, down/173, away/167, back/166, involve/162, himself/160, again/159, exist/154, today/133, die/132, because/132, this/131, off/131, president/129, kill/128, home/123, build/122, control/121, popular/115, result/115, responsible/114, together/112, themselves/110, so/109, more/106, there/105, present/104, common/103, occur/100, )/100, here/99, participate/95, consist/95, compete/93, look/89, write/89, perform/88, fight/86, charge/84, say/83, see/83, successful/82, name/80, those/79, change/78, non/78, destroy/76, member/76, associate/75, active/71, derive/71, record/71, over/71, famous/70, small/68, note/68, me/67, any/67, bury/63, happen/63, true/62, mention/62, important/61, engage/60, fast/60, high/60, publish/59, stay/58, capable/58, remove/58, earth/58, two/58, nominate/58, short/57, different/57, free/57, situate/57, possible/56, develop/56, england/56, defeat/56, good/56, think/55, hold/55, serve/55, stand/55, interested/54, unknown/54, educate/54, you/54, sell/53, far/53, north/53, study/53, credit/51, dead/51, long/51, replace/50, large/50, clear/49, deal/49, establish/48, settle/48, something/48, disappear/47, advantage/47, command/47, close/47, aware/46, arrest/46, open/46, alive/45, confuse/45, notable/45, contact/45, induct/45, chairman/45, accuse/44, Co/44, support/44, operate/44, display/44, divide/44, speak/43, apart/43, compose/43, qualify/43, create/43, hear/43, vote/43, money/43, death/43, instead/42, complete/42, herself/42, low/42, life/42, star/42, list/42, capture/41, his/41, escape/41, care/41, second/41, power/41, fire/41, itself/41, apply/40, useful/40, visible/40, account/40, along/40, light/40, lose/40, land/40, convict/39, else/39, twice/39, difficult/39, outside/39, grow/39, instrumental/38, self/38, read/38, accept/38, professor/38, withdraw/37, construct/37, each/37, fit/37, enough/37, 

tag 22:


tag 23:


tag 24:


tag 25:

./3127, liviakis/5, 

tag 26:


tag 27:

)/83, ./60, sawyer/11, anghel/10, prefecture/10, acid/10, miller/8, 

tag 28:

be/66780, to/35133, have/16102, that/9111, as/8062, by/6647, in/5636, also/4955, not/4818, ,/4726, he/3952, and/3824, "/3499, it/3485, on/3409, make/3220, with/2997, use/2990, do/2944, which/2761, can/2714, for/2627, become/2623, who/2437, from/2356, take/2290, would/2263, they/1931, at/1891, only/1751, will/1734, know/1595, but/1584, give/1454, up/1454, find/1436, go/1404, may/1373, play/1327, include/1276, him/1274, see/1255, begin/1250, well/1240, into/1223, then/1214, more/1213, come/1208, call/1207, there/1195, such/1184, could/1177, often/1149, out/1134, serve/1123, win/1108, leave/1090, later/1084, all/1014, lead/1009, get/951, write/945, than/931, of/931, create/925, she/919, still/911, now/905, say/894, after/893, so/885, hold/845, run/821, appear/817, work/810, consider/810, move/803, continue/797, return/783, release/783, over/777, them/776, start/763, about/759, form/723, or/717, show/704, name/691, allow/680, receive/669, n't/661, build/656, remain/644, join/639, back/624, even/613, never/611, refer/608, set/607, due/603, produce/602, both/600, through/597, develop/586, bring/579, i/575, help/574, provide/570, believe/566, turn/548, should/548, first/547, tell/541, must/530, just/520, very/520, describe/515, before/510, you/508, what/507, claim/503, locate/501, usually/499, require/499, down/499, change/497, lose/494, like/494, currently/493, kill/492, establish/490, mean/485, follow/480, try/468, cause/467, while/467, if/463, publish/459, able/454, this/452, send/448, support/439, decide/439, put/434, live/432, open/432, force/431, design/425, when/424, meet/418, again/417, perform/415, carry/415, once/414, keep/412, much/411, feature/410, her/407, grow/399, reach/398, place/394, break/387, himself/387, off/387, we/386, generally/385, die/385, record/381, almost/377, think/374, sell/373, represent/371, replace/369, want/369, enter/367, offer/367, seem/364, operate/362, originally/358, always/356, choose/356, how/355, need/353, eventually/352, pass/351, marry/347, complete/346, without/345, discover/343, fall/343, one/340, soon/340, found/336, close/335, around/335, no/334, though/333, add/332, elect/330, too/329, manage/329, 

tag 29:











tag 0:

<eos>/200000, <bos>/200000, 

tag 1:


tag 2:

て/107577, ながら/4214, ず/2563, たり/2259, ば/1548, たら/1532, なく/636, られ/523, つつ/413, って/344, ん/333, たく/285, に/281, ざる/256, り/199, た/194, ら/189, で/149, つ/85, せ/71, そう/66, だり/65, ない/63, てる/57, させ/56, ッ/54, 出さ/53, んで/48, 得/48, る/45, と/45, ぬ/42, しめ/40, さ/40, 合い/38, とも/37, たって/36, う/31, れ/29, さえ/29, 込み/29, ち/28, たる/27, ちゃ/24, え/24, がたく/23, っ/23, こみ/22, がち/22, 込ま/21, たけれ/20, だって/19, やすく/19, ざま/19, 合わ/18, だら/18, じ/18, しも/17, や/17, な/16, む/16, づ/15, とう/15, かつ/15, むべ/15, えて/15, たい/14, あわ/14, テ/14, うて/14, っと/14, 来り/13, ゃるか/13, ど/12, 合わさ/12, 次第/12, ざり/12, く/12, むると/11, おり/11, きれ/11, ざら/11, または/11, ども/11, げ/11, 共/10, こま/10, かね/10, ぎ/10, 做/9, 

tag 3:

あろ/1438, しよ/534, 行こ/171, やろ/119, せよ/96, 見よ/95, なろ/94, みよ/67, れよ/53, なかろ/48, 出よ/45, よかろ/35, いよ/34, 来よ/31, 帰ろ/31, 言お/28, 出そ/27, 隠そ/26, 知ろ/25, 殺そ/25, 去ろ/24, しまお/24, もらお/23, 書こ/22, 取ろ/21, 得よ/19, 迎えよ/19, してやろ/16, あげよ/16, かけよ/16, 立てよ/16, はいろ/16, いお/16, 入れよ/15, 逃げよ/15, 置こ/15, 語ろ/15, 見せよ/15, 立と/14, 聞こ/14, かかろ/14, 話そ/14, できよ/14, 求めよ/13, ゆこ/12, 死の/12, つこ/12, 示そ/11, 受けよ/11, 開こ/11, 送ろ/11, 救お/11, 避けよ/10, 上ろ/10, 考えよ/10, 買お/10, 離れよ/10, 動かそ/10, 試みよ/10, 止めよ/10, 待と/9, 

tag 4:

tag 5:

##/30593, その/16258, この/8052, お/3625, そして/3330, また/3083, しかし/2677, 『/1507, 大/1496, あの/1455, 御/1330, ただ/1320, もう/1316, ある/1243, |/1209, と/1181, という/1042, それから/1024, そういう/1022, まだ/891, そんな/880, こんな/876, 第/815, 大きな/760, やがて/749, 小/695, そこで/692, 諸/684, もし/635, 年/634, あるいは/602, 同じ/581, こういう/570, 高/566, しかも/545, 若い/536, 小さな/527, 日/519, なお/514, 又/508, すぐ/489, ない/488, 右/471, 長い/466, ちょうど/426, 新/425, すでに/419, あらゆる/416, けれども/411, それでも/411, すると/408, すなわち/405, 実に/403, 今/399, 張/398, やはり/393, 古い/383, 最も/381, 玄/381, 白い/371, 新しい/366, どんな/362, ところが/358, わが/347, 深い/345, まず/344, 美しい/343, 呂/339, キャラコ/334, 木曾/333, 半/327, 両/322, 城/320, さて/318, それで/317, だが/314, 時/307, かの/302, 吉/297, 決して/297, もはや/297, いい/296, いつも/294, さらに/283, むしろ/283, 道/281, ほとんど/279, すべて/275, だから/274, 高い/274, 吾/272, …/268, よく/268, 劉/267, よい/257, 日本/253, そうして/249, それに/248, ご/247, 金/246, 小さい/242, 寿/241, (/240, 源/240, 暗い/240, ふと/236, 関/233, つまり/232, 当時/231, まったく/230, もっとも/230, いよいよ/227, 董/227, あたかも/227, いかにも/226, おそらく/225, 老/224, かつて/224, まるで/224, 藤/222, 同時に/221, ついに/220, 全/220, いかなる/218, もっと/216, 全く/214, とにかく/212, いかに/209, どの/209, けれど/208, または/206, 明治/202, いわゆる/200, みな/199, そう/193, 黒い/191, 宿/191, かかる/190, あまり/190, 広い/190, 無/188, 孫/187, 清/186, いや/185, 不/182, 各/182, とうとう/180, ごとき/178, 旧/177, どうして/177, 古/176, 少し/176, 南/175, うし/174, ことに/174, 人/174, 遠い/172, こうして/170, ようやく/168, もちろん/167, 悪い/166, でも/165, 皆/165, 王/165, ちょっと/164, およそ/163, かえって/163, 再び/163, 実は/162, どうも/162, 実際/161, 強い/159, 黒/158, 恐ろしい/158, 平田/157, 陳/157, 夜/157, 朝/156, しばらく/155, ああ/155, いま/154, 特に/154, ごとく/154, 本/153, 外国/153, 別に/153, 』/152, 馬/152, すっかり/151, 赤い/150, しかるに/150, 宗/149, これから/149, ごく/149, 女/148, 妻/148, 徳川/147, ずっと/147, 伏見/147, なぜなら/145, 大きい/145, 

tag 6:

おいで/52, お尋ね/4, 

tag 7:

だろ/1417, でしょ/826, たろ/267, ましょ/147, られよ/13, させよ/12, 。/5, 

tag 8:

tag 9:


tag 10:

た/108308, ない/11027, ます/3748, ぬ/2736, ず/2027, ん/1949, てる/1878, だ/1795, たい/1390, う/1247, られる/973, なけれ/848, たる/692, ざる/641, れる/634, る/337, 得る/232, まい/230, ね/229, 候/228, うる/213, そう/159, がたい/148, たり/124, い/123, せる/115, させる/108, り/107, 難い/100, し/94, つ/92, こん/91, べし/89, やすい/89, 込ん/84, むる/75, なさい/61, です/60, ざれ/57, ゆる/55, たら/55, 出す/52, ゆ/51, える/48, たれ/45, 居る/45, にくい/45, かねる/44, たく/44, こむ/39, がち/38, す/38, しめる/37, 込む/36, でる/36, よう/35, ずる/35, よ/33, づ/33, しむ/31, 合う/31, き/31, なり/29, ねえ/29, 乍/29, べき/28, つる/28, 易い/27, まし/25, ていう/24, すぎる/24, うれ/24, 〉/23, ずん/23, はじめる/22, 得/22, だす/21, るる/21, 去る/20, つづける/20, なさる/18, 始める/18, 給え/18, ませ/17, まわす/17, 給う/16, 下さい/16, まする/16, 難き/16, 候え/16, きり/16, 置く/15, 申す/15, ッ/15, 奉る/14, 上る/13, ス/13, という/13, ゃる/12, ける/12, かた/12, せり/11, いも/11, しった/11, 過ぎる/11, あう/10, かえる/10, …/9, 

tag 11:

に/119197, を/105482, で/55662, が/49848, は/36963, と/22656, も/16714, へ/11855, から/8961, まで/3509, として/1947, より/1664, でも/1055, か/978, について/927, や/860, かも/840, において/800, など/693, によって/640, にとって/521, さえ/456, に対して/407, さ/400, ばかり/378, なら/354, だけ/326, なく/312, !/299, |/298, と共に/298, とも/279, こそ/269, ほど/268, らしく/259, とか/248, しか/238, し/234, にたいして/210, あり/208, とともに/204, すら/172, じゃ/166, の/162, だの/161, 以来/140, を以て/131, にかけて/131, にて/129, く/129, 々/121, ずつ/119, やら/111, ながら/107, つて/103, により/93, しく/83, ニ/81, 一つ/80, ぐらい/78, のみ/75, なんか/75, 以上/74, ヲ/70, 近く/70, )/68, 故/67, 化/66, って/63, だって/63, を通して/62, っと/61, たち/61, [/58, 深く/55, なり/54, り/53, ごろ/52, う/51, 同時に/49, 後/46, とても/45, 多く/41, 自身/41, 相/39, ご/38, よく/37, たら/37, に関して/37, に従って/37, ち/37, 早く/36, ゝ/36, よ/36, 迄/35, せら/35, め/35, 上/34, に対し/34, ゆえ/34, がら/33, にわたって/33, ひとつ/32, なぞ/32, 自ら/31, ?/31, 余り/30, 高く/29, らく/28, ら/28, につれて/28, における/28, 以下/28, っ/27, くし/26, だに/26, さん/26, 程/25, ども/25, 頃/25, 曰く/25, 故に/25, きり/24, にあたって/24, えと/24, みえ/24, 視/22, たり/22, じゅう/22, その他/22, かた/22, を通じて/22, に従い/22, につき/21, 中/21, これ/21, しも/21, 以後/21, いわく/21, また/21, びく/20, 半/20, ほか/20, につれ/20, をもって/19, づく/19, ぞ/19, 者/19, けど/19, 輩/18, 等/18, 蛇/18, 通り/18, さま/18, どころか/18, じ/17, つき/17, ぎり/17, わるく/16, だり/16, 位/16, づたいに/16, 来訪/16, 前/16, に際して/16, はね/16, 気/16, ごとき/16, 三つ/15, 御/15, どおり/15, 言う/15, くば/14, ひとり/14, 甚だ/14, なんぞ/14, あまり/14, はじめ/14, にあたり/14, なんて/14, ぎ/13, をめぐって/13, ッ/12, にかけ/12, ぶ/12, ト/12, 歩き/12, ざめて/12, 立ち/12, いと/12, 皆/12, もっとも/12, んで/12, いらい/12, いよいよ/11, ことごとく/11, っぽく/11, 入り/11, 立/11, じゃあ/11, ちかく/11, 

tag 12:

し/29890, い/19231, れ/10688, あっ/9853, なっ/6753, 来/5837, だっ/4675, 見/3943, せ/3304, 出/2732, 行っ/2709, なら/2478, しまっ/2254, いっ/2145, 言っ/1976, あり/1878, 思っ/1733, なかっ/1651, き/1632, もっ/1495, でき/1492, 見え/1478, 考え/1436, 持っ/1273, でし/1235, かけ/1166, 出し/1126, 感じ/1098, 立っ/1059, 知ら/996, つけ/987, つい/936, 知っ/931, やっ/924, ござい/888, 得/876, なり/836, 帰っ/829, くれ/822, 聞い/813, 書い/804, み/799, 知れ/770, 出来/725, 云っ/700, かかっ/668, 置い/659, 入っ/647, 見せ/622, 入れ/605, 忘れ/582, 歩い/552, なく/524, あげ/523, 居/520, 立て/508, 似/492, おい/467, あら/454, 待っ/449, 受け/441, わから/440, 与え/436, 残っ/436, 離れ/432, 取っ/431, 落ち/407, 思い/402, 向っ/400, はいっ/396, ながめ/385, 生き/384, 居り/379, 過ぎ/374, 話し/367, しれ/361, わかっ/350, すぎ/348, 思わ/340, 通っ/339, 言い/338, とっ/335, 覚え/332, べから/327, 送っ/326, 信じ/324, がっ/320, 認め/316, 答え/312, 開い/310, 上っ/309, あろ/308, 上げ/307, 違い/303, 笑っ/299, ッ/296, 始め/294, 降り/294, 眺め/293, なし/287, 向け/286, 申し/283, しまい/282, 切っ/279, え/278, 連れ/272, 求め/264, 続い/261, 戻っ/257, 黙っ/256, つづけ/254, 尋ね/253, なれ/252, つか/251, 去っ/251, なけれ/251, 現われ/250, 出かけ/250, 迎え/245, 着/244, 近づい/242, 買っ/239, 教え/239, 示し/237, 聞え/235, やって来/232, 述べ/232, 残し/229, 集まっ/228, うけ/228, 告げ/224, おり/224, 起っ/223, なつ/222, さし/222, 起こっ/222, きい/221, 乗っ/221, 寝/220, 向かっ/219, 驚い/219, 隠れ/219, 流れ/216, 思い出し/215, 逃げ/215, 失っ/212, 消え/212, 眠っ/210, あけ/206, 行き/205, いけ/203, 分ら/203, 伝え/203, しめ/202, け/200, やり/200, 用い/199, いわ/199, 変っ/198, 愛し/198, 聞こえ/196, 坐っ/194, 続け/194, 抱い/191, 見つけ/191, 作っ/189, 走っ/189, いい/189, 捨て/188, つれ/187, たて/187, め/187, 加え/186, 言わ/186, なくなっ/185, 思え/184, らしかっ/183, はじめ/178, 行か/177, 違っ/177, 着い/177, 殺し/176, つづい/175, 向い/175, いたし/175, 至っ/175, 生まれ/172, 寄っ/172, 上がっ/171, 集め/170, 泣い/167, あらわれ/167, 働い/166, 打っ/163, もらっ/163, 語っ/162, すわっ/162, 見つめ/162, 恐れ/161, 返っ/160, 生れ/157, 

tag 13:

、/189356, は/5698, ##/4420, も/3285, その/2557, する/1250,  /1098, お/1050, この/1014, (/504, 御/439, また/421, 大/370, から/360, なく/355, 云う/279, …/252, 同じ/246, 『/232, あの/227, 大きな/212, ば/205, まだ/197, ただ/166, 近い/162, 必ず/161, 皆/158, もう/145, いる/144, れる/139, こんな/136, 最も/135, 小/121, 見える/115, るる/115, すでに/114, ふ/105, 住む/101, 実に/100, どんな/100, )/99, まず/87, 又/87, わが/85, 新しい/83, 白い/79, かかる/75, 第/74, いっそう/73, 深い/72, 諸/70, すぐ/69, “/68, 持つ/68, つて/67, ほとんど/66, 新/66, 同じく/65, すら/64, こそ/63, 全く/63, 共/63, たった/62, なお/62, 長い/61, 小さな/60, 立つ/60, むしろ/59, 自注/59, 両/58, そういう/57, すなわち/55, よく/55, 不/54, 一層/54, ずっと/53, 美しい/52, 大いに/50, 無/50, かなり/49, 常に/49, 再び/49, とも/49, まで/49, ども/48, 別に/47, 半/47, 駕/47, 黒/46, せる/46, 今/45, 決して/44, さらに/44, 約/44, 同/44, ようやく/43, 神/42, 極めて/41, 事務/40, 林/40, 日本/40, 古い/40, 少し/39, きっと/39, 呼ぶ/39, 早く/38, 強い/38, 大きい/38, うし/38, ちょうど/37, 蛇/37, 行く/36, 金/36, そんな/36, 同時に/35, ?/35, ある/35, 小さい/35, 水/35, 若い/35, 大変/34, やはり/34, 来る/34, 却って/34, それぞれ/34, 明治/34, 平田/34, 一番/33, ごく/33, 称する/33, こういう/33, 米/33, なき/32, 源/32, 暗い/32, 城/32, もっと/31, 初めて/31, 殆ど/31, すこぶる/31, およそ/31, 宿/31, 黒い/31, 各/30, 通う/30, 有する/30, 薄/30, 働く/30, 鉄/30, 求める/30, ことごとく/29, 直ちに/29, しかも/29, 激しい/29, 角/29, まっ/29, 平民/29, 遠い/29, 愛する/29, 入る/29, 実は/28, いつも/28, 〈/28, 朝/28, つづく/28, 東京/28, 江戸/28, 低い/28, 吾/28, あらゆる/28, 右/28, 高/28, かえって/27, 多く/27, よほど/27, はなはだ/27, そのまま/27, いちばん/27, 竜/27, 高い/27, 随分/26, 成る/26, 更に/26, たちまち/26, 等しく/26, いかにも/26, 主として/26, 益/26, 正/26, 流れる/26, 妻/26, 赤い/26, 外国/26, 木曾/26, キャラコ/26, 寿/26, 張/26, はじめて/25, !/25, なかなか/25, 絶えず/25, 

tag 14:

tag 15:

なかっ/5868, まし/5217, られ/3585, ませ/1264, させ/221, 得/200, 出し/199, だし/185, ましょ/180, っ/173, 始め/152, たかっ/148, はじめ/113, きっ/97, たろ/86, 合っ/83, しめ/77, で/72, らし/67, かね/66, きれ/64, れ/58, すっ/54, なく/46, ら/45, こん/42, まわし/41, つづけ/39, かかっ/33, やし/32, 初め/31, たく/29, 込ん/27, 去っ/26, あたわ/26, 直し/24, な/22, かけ/21, られよ/20, ます/19, え/19, ぬい/19, ま/18, すぎ/16, きら/16, まもっ/15, 能わ/15, 寄っ/15, 上っ/15, 申し/14, っし/13, て/13, ざら/12, きたっ/12, 続け/12, 奉り/11, がたかっ/11, 来っ/11, 果て/11, なかろ/10, し/10, ざり/9, 

tag 16:

は/17725, も/13937, さ/3064, なく/2131, と/2068, よく/1470, あり/1433, また/1324, そう/1156, 思わ/950, なり/814, お/694, まだ/618, こう/612, 少し/586, もう/528, どう/512, し/474, でも/453, さえ/438, 言わ/403, いい/395, 言い/377, まで/370, すっかり/358, 見/352, しか/319, せら/311, なお/311, 多く/292, じっと/284, 一つ/282, すぐ/280, 想像/279, 深く/274, はっきり/266, 相/263, 皆/262, 結婚/256, 思い/251, のみ/246, いわ/245, 早く/243, おり/238, 今/237, 立ち/233, あまり/230, なんと/229, 引き/228, 大きく/226, 決して/221, 駈け/214, ただ/213, 許さ/210, 高く/206, みな/202, しばらく/201, 行き/200, ほとんど/197, 打ち/197, 取り/196, ちょっと/194, 遠く/193, 行わ/192, ひどく/192, すこし/190, 実に/188, ばかり/187, 安心/184, 発見/183, いつも/178, 長く/171, 全く/169, 書き/166, 逃げ/165, 大いに/164, ずっと/164, 呼び/164, すでに/163, 注意/163, 知ら/162, 心配/160, みずから/160, 持ち/158, 云い/156, やや/155, いかに/153, かえって/152, 押し/152, 怖/152, 通り/152, 云わ/152, なかなか/151, 聞き/150, 呼ば/150, 理解/148, 又/148, つき/147, 大変/146, か/146, びっくり/144, 書か/143, 満足/143, ごとく/142, まったく/140, 打た/140, 吹き/139, 現/139, 聞か/137, さして/135, いろいろ/134, 初めて/134, すら/133, 再び/133, もっと/133, 飛び/131, 最も/131, 説明/131, 自ら/131, 振り/131, 殺さ/129, 悪く/128, さし/128, 読み/127, なし/125, うち/124, 強く/122, しばしば/121, 考え/120, 取ら/119, ふと/119, とり/118, 斬り/117, 馳/116, そっと/116, ああ/115, さらに/115, どうして/114, 行なわ/114, 出発/114, ますます/113, ##/113, なさ/112, かなり/112, そのまま/111, どうか/111, どんなに/110, 一寸/110, ぼんやり/110, はじめ/110, 案内/109, 出さ/109, 歩き/109, ゆき/109, いよいよ/108, 泣き/108, ふり/108, 走り/107, 共に/107, 知り/107, 白く/107, 跳び/106, 決心/105, かつて/105, どうしても/104, 持た/104, つけ/104, 追い/103, 引/103, 同時に/102, やはり/102, だんだん/101, 支配/100, 語り/100, 笑い/100, 入り/100, 軽く/100, 存在/99, 近く/99, しろ/99, やり/98, 置き/98, 申/97, 次第に/96, 利用/96, あまりに/96, せよ/96, 本当に/95, もち/94, 同じく/94, 仰/94, 用意/93, 置か/93, ようやく/93, 振/93, ッ/93, 突き/91, ついに/91, 見え/91, 一番/88, かけ/88, 

tag 17:

ある/17113, いる/14779, ない/7210, する/7190, なる/2658, いう/2163, 見る/2107, 来る/1743, 行く/1514, れる/1511, 思う/1509, ゆく/870, 居る/839, くる/798, いい/770, す/676, せる/673, みる/617, 言う/600, しまう/576, な/567, いえ/552, 何/540, 見える/526, よい/506, 出る/491, すれ/487, やる/444, できる/384, あれ/371, くれる/370, 聞く/366, るる/365, 同じ/349, 云う/344, 多い/313, 考える/307, 知る/307, どう/297, 見れ/288, 出す/270, 出来る/249, つく/243, くれ/240, なれ/237, 帰る/221, 呼ん/217, ね/215, なす/193, 読ん/189, あり/188, なけれ/188, わかる/185, おく/184, よる/184, 至る/181, 入る/177, …/175, 書く/171, 立つ/170, かかる/169, 通る/164, いらっしゃる/159, 面白い/157, 得る/153, 与える/152, 置く/150, る/145, 悪い/143, 見せる/141, 下さい/138, 死ぬ/137, かける/136, 感ずる/131, 取る/128, 感じる/125, 言え/122, 示す/122, 呼ぶ/121, 待つ/119, 申す/119, 食う/115, 踏ん/115, 歩く/114, 去る/111, 語る/111, なり/110, きく/109, 近い/107, 無い/103, 入れる/103, よ/100, 読む/99, つける/99, よん/98, とる/97, 沈ん/97, や/96, 死ん/95, 運ん/93, どこ/91, 当然/91, うれしい/90, 持つ/90, 分る/90, 飲ん/90, 上る/88, そう/88, よれ/86, みれ/85, 違う/85, こん/85, 近づく/83, 驚く/83, 及ん/82, 終る/81, 迎える/80, あ/80, もらう/79, 愛する/79, 下さる/78, 遊ん/78, 走る/76, ほしい/75, あげる/75, 有する/75, 私/75, つかん/74, 立てる/73, 受ける/73, 選ん/73, 込ん/73, 殺す/72, 会う/72, いく/71, 笑う/71, 早い/71, 及ぶ/71, 動く/71, 問う/71, 上げる/70, たまらない/69, 浮かん/69, 行け/68, 頼ん/68, 望ん/68, かえる/67, 話す/66, よろしい/66, 包ん/66, 過ぎる/65, だ/65, 出かける/64, 欲する/64, く/64, 候/63, 住む/62, 思え/62, 起る/62, いえる/62, 明/62, そんな/62, 苦しい/60, やって来る/60, 泣く/59, 望む/59, 答える/59, 大きい/59, 信ずる/59, 眠る/58, いれ/58, 忘れる/58, 開く/58, 悲しい/58, 困る/57, 少ない/57, たつ/57, せよ/57, 生きる/56, 見つける/56, 思い出す/56, みえる/56, どれ/55, いや/55, 着く/54, 動かす/54, 聞える/54, 飲む/53, わるい/53, ッ/53, のん/53, 飛ぶ/52, 深い/52, 含ん/52, から/51, 送る/51, 打つ/51, 切る/51, 失う/51, 求める/51, かく/50, 

tag 18:

tag 19:


tag 20:

の/190446, は/37265, な/21817, が/16217, と/8566, という/6393, から/5590, も/5399, や/3964, |/2597, ##/1996, か/1599, ・/1454, なる/1298, (/944, として/815, たる/747, らしい/709, 之/699, でも/607, ノ/582, 的/554, より/522, ほど/385, る/381, に対する/337, だ/315, によって/291, 』/282, とも/282, べき/280, い/256, 、/229, する/228, 州/207, において/205, における/186, に対して/175, および/163, に関する/161, なき/155, ッ/146, にたいする/144, ある/143, しい/138, )/130, こそ/130, と共に/129, だの/127, とともに/127, く/124, ながら/123, 々/121, ずつ/117, ばかり/114, なら/114, し/112, による/109, ぐる/105, とか/105, といった/94, ヶ/92, 羅/92, やら/91, を以て/88, 学/85, まで/85, のみ/82, にあたる/79, 志/71, 子/70, 以来/70, っ/68, 張り/67, ば/62, にて/61, 居/60, 郷/60, 経/60, ら/60, 史/59, または/59, とかいう/59, よく/57, じ/56, しく/54, ちの/50, 記/49, 乃/49, ない/48, 中/47, でる/46, だって/46, 生/45, 集/45, とても/45, 女/44, …/44, 深い/43, 公使/43, 巻/42, 光/42, 庵/40, 第/40, たち/40, っぽい/39, き/39, なり/38, につき/37, 謂/36, 没/36, に/36, ハ/36, もしくは/35, 馬/35, ヲ/35, 諸/34, すなわち/34, ぶ/34, 主義/33, 掘り/33, 吉/33, 甲/32, 侯/32, 籠/32, ち/32, っと/32, 高/31, にわたる/31, 及び/31, じゅう/31, ん/30, 修道/29, しも/29, を通して/29, 前/29, 照らす/27, 院/27, 師/27, ならびに/27, ごろ/27, きわまる/26, ぼ/26, 殿/26, 函/25, ガ/25, らし/25, 論/25, 法/25, 家/25, 程/25, 等/25, 伝/24, 部/24, 頃/24, 迄/24, 秀/23, エル/23, よ/23, 談/22, 県/22, はじめ/22, 典/21, つ/21, 島/21, 即ち/21, 〔/21, 掛/20, 臭い/20, 兼/20, 金/20, って/20, 録/19, やすい/19, 目/19, 鑑/19, 教/19, 役人/19, 守/19, 市/19, 恋/18, 義/18, ちゃ/18, 式/18, 提督/18, 物語/18, 達/18, を通じて/18, 六月/18, 以上/18, に従って/18, くさい/17, がたい/17, たらし/17, 華/17, 注/17, 武/17, 約/17, つた/17, ど/17, せる/16, 

tag 21:


tag 22:

命/506, 神/375, 王/291, 姫/192, 彦/137, 國/129, 天皇/122, 御子/114, 宮/108, 君/87, 次に/87, 祖先/86, 等/83, 臣/82, 天/81, 女/76, )/68, 郎女/65, 大和/63, 子/61, 囲炉裏/60, またの名/47, 弟/43, 松平/40, その他/37, 様/37, 大神/36, 国/36, 別/33, 主/33, 妹/31, 樣/31, 造/30, イザ/30, 皇后/29, 兄/28, 大塔/28, 一方/27, 天下/26, 連/25, 大/25, 守/25, 近江/24, 尊/24, 宿禰/23, ナギ/23, 原/23, 名/22, □/22, 問屋/21, シ/21, および/20, 伊勢/20, 木/19, 部/19, 若/19, 武/18, 大國/18, 院/18, 御陵/17, 出雲/17, 山城/17, 山/17, スサノヲ/17, ヲ/17, 良/17, など/16, 葛城/15, サホ/15, ごとき/15, 葦原/15, チョイ/14, 炉/14, 尾張/14, オホハツセ/14, 穗/14, 石/14, アドルフ/14, 鹿/13, 紀州/13, 春日/13, 丹波/13, 河内/13, ギリシア/13, 橘/13, 越/13, 信濃/13, 本陣/12, 伊賀/12, 直/12, 筑紫/12, 廃止/12, 吉備/12, 御名/12, 播磨/12, 花/12, 柳生/12, 庄/12, 島/12, 皇/12, 呉/12, 庄屋/11, 正/11, 高木/11, マルタン/11, 中心/11, 類/11, 松丸/11, 。/11, 伯耆/10, 檜/10, 城/10, ヴェルガ/10, 太子/10, タケシウチ/10, ヤマトタケル/10, ヤマト/10, 師/10, 小/10, 玉/10, つて/10, 祖/10, 城主/10, 美濃/10, 入/10, オホサザキ/9, 

tag 23:


tag 24:


tag 25:

。/48, ラバック/1, 

tag 26:

。/99920, う/8139, なけれ/3, 

tag 27:

人/12032, 彼/10008, よう/9224, それ/8508, こと/8125, 私/7380, もの/7212, 自分/5760, 中/5002, これ/4188, 方/3937, 日/3515, 家/3316, 上/3154, 時/3112, ##/2909, 彼女/2840, 者/2714, 心/2701, 前/2670, そこ/2627, 手/2614, 何/2406, 顔/2404, 葉子/2337, うち/2236, ところ/2150, 眼/2147, ため/2110, 女/1997, 年/1950, 目/1942, 男/1938, 声/1927, 間/1848, さん/1830, 半蔵/1812, さ/1759, 今/1739, 氏/1736, 気/1712, ここ/1622, 的/1621, 身/1604, クリストフ/1597, 事/1587, 下/1459, 一つ/1441, 名/1421, 話/1358, 口/1336, 言葉/1318, 頭/1314, 姿/1284, 人間/1268, 馬/1246, 後/1221, 子供/1191, 道/1145, 彼ら/1120, 武蔵/1104, 町/1102, 夜/1089, 所/1087, 物/1086, 生活/1041, 父/1027, どこ/971, 力/968, 村/965, 人々/961, 音/955, 』/949, 胸/939, 先/929, 手紙/917, 山/900, 水/896, 他/895, 風/892, 屋/866, 母/854, 子/851, そう/846, 本/828, わたし/824, あと/818, 足/814, 門/812, 耳/809, 娘/809, あなた/804, 次/777, 地/771, ほう/767, 国/751, 部屋/741, 外/735, 今日/734, 時代/730, 仕事/711, 日本/703, 竜/701, 度/696, 倉地/680, 助/674, そば/666, 花/666, 先生/666, 色/660, それら/658, ほか/656, 兵/650, 神/641, 船/629, すべて/619, 例/617, 金/614, 室/609, 多く/609, 非常/592, 形/589, 様子/587, 面/583, 体/580, 敵/573, 光/569, 蛇/565, 石/564, 世界/561, 火/551, 頃/550, 歳/548, 誰/545, 朝/541, 君/540, 空/533, 夫人/531, 内/530, 曹操/528, だれ/524, 酒/513, 影/512, 老人/509, 時間/509, 意味/509, 妻/503, 不思議/498, あたり/497, 二つ/488, なか/486, 壁/486, 地方/485, 涙/485, 窓/484, 場合/484, 雨/483, 夢/482, 場/482, 考え/479, まま/475, 街道/475, 通/474, 血/473, いろいろ/471, 少し/470, 民/465, 々/463, 軍/463, 静か/461, 首/460, 草/459, 店/454, 急/452, 様/449, 自然/448, 木/447, 相手/446, 僕/443, 庭/441, 徳/438, 点/436, 死/435, 客/434, 藩/432, 旅/430, 階/430, とき/429, 感情/429, 晩/429, など/428, 奥/426, 社会/423, 腕/420, いずれ/418, 布/417, 帝/416, ころ/415, なん/413, 昔/408, 海/408, 

tag 28:


tag 29:

と/25185, だ/9699, こと/9194, か/8540, ば/4728, よう/4658, もの/4195, から/4052, ので/3784, です/3681, たち/2877, だけ/2246, など/2020, ほど/2013, 時/1675, まで/1661, ら/1609, ところ/1550, し/1475, ばかり/1448, 者/1401, べき/1171, 事/1130, ため/1120, さ/1105, そう/1011, )/944, という/942, らしい/901, で/825, ね/825, 的/761, なり/740, として/692, ん/686, のに/683, ども/674, なぞ/598, まま/576, なら/552, とき/541, のみ/521, ?/519, けれども/508, わけ/507, よ/489, へ/489, まい/479, より/471, 自身/437, !/428, や/393, うち/382, くらい/379, はず/372, …/352, つて/347, 以上/346, 』/338, ころ/300, 間/284, なし/283, らしく/282, ごと/280, ぐらい/273, 々/269, つもり/266, とか/263, 所/252, 物/246, 様/242, あり/238, 達/229, とも/226, みたい/219, 等/214, ぞ/212, 頃/210, ものの/209, 以外/207, 位/204, 後/203, ぶり/203, 様子/198, 由/193, 風/193, 気/187, ごろ/183, べし/181, 前/181, 人/180, ”/176, さま/167, けれど/167, 必要/165, つき/164, 通り/164, 力/164, がた/164, ふう/162, す/152, たる/148, たび/143, について/139, って/139, 方/138, かしら/135, きり/128, ど/128, 限り/128, とおり/127, ごとく/126, べく/124, 故/123, 処/122, 筈/121, じゅう/118, 場合/118, そのもの/117, 性/115, 程/108, やら/107, め/107, 座敷/105, 否/104, あたり/99, ほか/97, 日/95, 心持/94, 話/92, 衆/92, なる/92, 点/92, 次第/92, 共/90, も/90, な/85, 〉/80, 付/80, 夫婦/80, 内/80, ゆえ/79, 時代/78, 羅/77, なき/76, かぎり/75, 思い/75, 法/75, 機会/73, じゃ/72, 仲間/71, がら/70, 人々/70, 音/70, 訳/69, たり/67, において/67, 道/67, に/66, 声/64, 郷/64, 男/64, 以来/63, 上/63, につれて/63, れ/63, 全体/61, 側/61, 状態/61, 介/61, 如く/60, 越し/60, ぼ/60, ま/60, さん/59, 迄/59, ずつ/59, じ/58, 丈/58, 気持/57, げ/56, いろ/55, だらけ/55, わ/54, 感/54, もん/54, ながら/53, んで/53, け/53, 奴/52, 言葉/52, 顔/52, ある/51, ざし/51, 誉/51, 以下/50, かた/50, 流/50, 書/50, にとって/49, どおり/49, 







  • $I(t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1})$のとき$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)} = n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i}, t_{i+1})}$
  • $I(t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i)$のとき$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1})} = n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i})}$
  • $I(t_{i-2} = t_i = t_{i+2} , t_{i-1} = t_{i+1})$のとき$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)} = n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1}, t_{i+2})}$
  • $I(t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1} = t_{i+2})$のとき$n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i}, t_{i+1})} = n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1}, t_{i+2})}$
  • $I(t_{i-2} = t_i , t_{i-1} = t_{i+1})$のとき$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1})} = n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1})}$
  • $I(t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1})$のとき$n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i})} = n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1})}$

$t_i$をギブスサンプリングする際、まずnグラムカウントから$t_i$を削除しますが、その時影響を受けるカウントテーブルは$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)}, n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i}, t_{i+1})}, n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1}, t_{i+2})}$の3つです。


(たとえば$t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_{i} = t_{i+1} = 2$だった場合、$n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)} = n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i}, t_{i+1})} = n_{(2, 2, 2)}$になります)


\[\begin{align} P(t_i \mid \boldsymbol t_{-1}, \boldsymbol w, \alpha, \beta) \propto \frac{n_{t_i, w_i} + \beta}{n_{t_i} + \mid W_t\mid\beta}\cdot \frac{n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)}^{(i)} + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1})}^{(i)} + \mid T \mid\alpha}\cdot \frac{n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i}, t_{i+1})}^{(i+1)} + I(t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1}) + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i})}^{(i+1)} + I(t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i) + \mid T \mid\alpha}\cdot\nonumber\\ \frac{n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1}, t_{i+2})}^{(i+2)} + I(t_{i-2} = t_i = t_{i+2} , t_{i-1} = t_{i+1}) + I(t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1} = t_{i+2}) + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i}, t_{i+1})}^{(i+2)} + I(t_{i-2} = t_i , t_{i-1} = t_{i+1}) + I(t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1}) + T\alpha} \end{align}\\]



\[\begin{align} \frac{n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1}, t_i)}^{(i)} + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i-2}, t_{i-1})}^{(i)} + \mid T \mid\alpha}\\ \end{align}\\]




\[\begin{align} \frac{n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i}, t_{i+1})}^{(i+1)} + I(t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1}) + \alpha}{n_{(t_{i-1}, t_{i})}^{(i+1)} + I(t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i) + \mid T \mid\alpha}\cdot\\ \end{align}\\]




従って、たとえば$t_{i-2} = t_{i-1} = t_i = t_{i+1} = 2$の場合、$n_{(2, 2, 2)}^{(i+1)} = n_{(2, 2, 2)}^{(i)} + 1$である必要があります。

式(25)の記号上は同じテーブル$n_{(2, 2, 2)}$だったとしても、どの項に含まれているかによって、上記のように観測回数をカウントに上乗せしなければなりません。






今回は状態数が固定のHMMでしたが、The Infinite Hidden Markov Modelのようにデータから状態数も学習できるモデルがあるため、今後実装したいと思います。